We are now Ouronova27 de October de 2021
The ability to innovate is part of the essence of a company that is born from the meeting of startups created at a university. Offering solutions that can be applied in different segments of the industry is also a form of innovation, as it proposes new uses for technologies originally developed for the oil and gas sector.
This is what we are doing by adopting the new ouronova brand after 11 years of operations as Ouro Negro. The change reflects a strategic repositioning of the company in line with diversification trends in the energy market.
The brand reflects our essence as a deep tech venture builder: a technology-based company, strongly anchored in research, development and innovation, which contributes its intellectual and operational resources to build new businesses in partnerships that add skills.
Our purpose remains the same: to generate impact through technological innovations for complex and relevant challenges for its customers and society.
“We were born from the merger of four PUC-Rio spin offs which, through their technological solutions, foresaw the possibility of contributing to the oil and gas industry to overcome one of its greatest challenges: the development of the pre-salt. In 11 years, we consolidated our position as a company that works in partnership with oil and gas operators, universities and other technology-based companies, to generate industrial solutions in this highly complex environment. There is nothing more natural than exploring new horizons, as innovations generated through our continued effort in research and development find new opportunities in other sectors”. Eduardo Costa, CEO of ouronova.
Innovation always has
more than one application
With 18 patents, innovative and disruptive technologies developed primarily for the oil and gas industry, some recognized with national and international awards, ouronova strategically repositions itself as a company able to expand its operations to other segments of the power sector.
“We intend to go further, directing the inventive capacity of our human capital to generate innovative solutions capable of serving vital sectors of the economy, such as oil and gas, mining, energy, health, among others”, concludes Eduardo Costa.

Doors are open
The raison d’être of the new brand is explained on the website, which explains not only our history, governance structure and the solutions offered by ouronova, but also what we are doing as a deep tech venture builder: innovations under development in partnerships with companies in the oil and gas production chain and universities, using resources from the RD&I clause of the ANP concession contracts. By showing what is being developed, we reiterate our conviction that partnerships in the open innovation model are the best way to accelerate development in order to offer new solutions for industries in sectors which make intensive use of technology. After all, innovation and technology are the essence of ouronova. Learn more about technologies in development with our partners HERE
ouronova is already in the media

The cover story of the publication “TN Petróleo 137” is about how technological advances in well engineering in offshore hydrocarbon exploration and production brings together major operators, supplier companies such as ouronova, which are also technological partners of the industry, and academia. Click HERE to read!
Ouro Negro is now ouronova
ouronova no
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